What is homeopathy? And how is homeopathy different from herbal medicine?  

Homeopathy is derived from the Greek words homeos meaning “similar” and pathos meaning “disease or suffering.” Homeopathy's basic premise is called the “principle of similars” which refers to the repeated observation and experience that certain substances have a particular symptom complex similar to what is experienced when given in higher doses to a healthy individual. These particular substances in ultra-low doses can assist the body to heal itself. Although the principle of similar has been known since at least the time of Hippocrates, it wasn’t until Samuel Hahnemann, MD in the early 1800’s, that it was fully utilized and developed. Homeopathy is different than herbal medicine in that safe, ultra- diluted amounts of a substance from the plant, mineral, or animal kingdom are used. Over the past 200 years, the practice of homeopathy has been servicing many patients throughout the world.

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